Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Looking for my long lost love of running!!

There was a time about six years ago that I would've considered myself an avid runner. I was disciplined to do it, pushed myself to new goals, and really truly enjoyed it. I ended up being diagnosed with a spot of basal cell skin cancer on my face and had to have it removed (everything is fine.....just no tanning for me :( I could not do exercise of any kind for a month because the increase in blood flow would affect the scaring, etc. Of course since this was on my face and I was extremely worried about the scaring I listened to the doctors. WELL......I know that some of you have consistently exercised and especially ran, but......have you tried taking a month off and then picking up with the 10 miles you could run before?? Uh.....not I got extremely discouraged and essentially gave up. Since then I have tried numerous times to get back into running, and I just have not gotten to the point that I want to be at......where I get a runner's high and can run 30 miles if I have too. This year in 2012 I'm determined to run a half marathon again (more about my New Year's goals to come!)......I realize I need to start off slow and not have the expectations I used to have......but I can run 2-2.5 miles now......that's a good start, right?!?!?!

In order for me to do this there are a few things that I know from my last stint in running that I'm going to need:
1. A good pair of running shoes that is right for me!
Thanks to my awesome brother I got a new pair for Christmas :)

2. A plan. I acquired a 1/2 marathon training plan years ago when I was running. It worked great for me and got me to where I wanted to be as a runner.......luckily after a lot of searching and dusting off cob webs.......I found it......which I'm so excited to use once I officially start my training. Until then.....I need to get to 3 miles and be able to run that comfortably.

3. A good, reliable running partner.......not necessarily someone that you run with EVERY day, but someone that you can schedule runs with to keep you motivated. I am fortunate to have the best sister-in-law in the world who also enjoys running, so we both have our individual goals and weekly find time to get some runs in together. This year, my wonderful hubby and I have signed up for the Rugged Maniac 5k which is basically a race with obstacle I now have someone else to run with because he has to catch up and be able to run a 5k :) Here are a few pics of Chris and I at the Women's Only Race for Breast Cancer (5k) in Greensboro......

 4. Support. Everyone needs support and encouragement when reaching their goals especially when you may need to make sacrifices along the way. (ex. limit alcohol consumption, limit late nights.....who are we kidding.....I haven't been able to stay up past 10 for the past five years!!!) My biggest supporter is my wonderful husband. He is always so encouraging and helpful when I'm trying to meet my goals which is a huge help!! This year......he's going to serve two an occasional running partner AND my biggest fan......always there cheering me on :)

5. And of course.......a few little gadgets that I have found make my running a little easier :)
Got this for Christmas from Chris with a pair of short headphones to go with it.......absolutely the best thing EVER!!!

Always have to have a motivating playlist!! My iPOD shuffle is my fav.......fits perfectly in my new headband and my mom had it engraved with "Nothing good comes easy" when she got it for me years ago........isn't that the truth!!

L.O.V.E. my Garmin........helps me with everything from time, distance, interval training.......couldn't run without it......unless I was on a treadmill :)
On that note......I would love to keep blabbing on about my running goals this year.....but there's more to the mean time.....I'm off to the gym to run on this rainy miserable day :)

1 comment:

  1. Love this!! YAYYYY for running!!

    I quit running for a few years after I was REALLY hard to get back in it and discouraging to be so out of shape. Hang in there, it is really worth it. :)

    Glad to see you getting back on the runnin train. Love your tips too...
