Friday, January 20, 2012

*New goals for 2012* AND weigh in updates! I'm not big on New Year's Resolutions......because I'm one of those people that junk food, work out every day, and perfect. Well, who am I kidding.....typically within the first week I "fail" and my resolutions are out the window.......SO instead of resolutions.....I have goals......three to be exact!

1. Lose 76 lbs by November will actually be a total of 85.4 lbs once I'm done......but as of January 1st I was already down 9.4 lbs. I have finally sat down and figured out an end goal weight for me based on a lot of things, but mainly that it will be a healthy weight for me and my body. I've never really sat down and had a goal number.....I've always just said I have to lose for the past almost 31 years!! So......yes I know it's good to break it down into smaller goals.....and I do, that's just my end goal. I say November 1st because healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week.....yes you'll have more some weeks and less on others....but that's an average. If you break down 76 lbs.....two pounds per week.....that is about 91/2 months......I realize I'm human and not perfect which is why I'm giving myself a month and a half extra to lose it!
2. Run a half I said in my previous post......I want to "be a runner" again because I know when I was.....I made healthy choices and felt great about myself!

3. Always think the glass is half full.......I think this is self explanatory......I used to think this way......then I graduated from college and moved on to the real world :) I can be a debbie downer sometimes and it's not really a good time for me to always think the glass is half full and be thankful for everything!!

Now......for my weight loss visual. I would've put these all as separate posts, but I'm three weeks behind and it's kind of silly for me to do all separate posts at this point. So, from now on there will be a weekly Friday weigh in post.....but's three combined in this one. I need goals and I was looking at my fav website Pinterest.......and honestly I wish I could give credit to whoever's idea this was, but I found it before I was a "member" and could not save anything and can't find it if anyone finds it.....let me know.....I'll give them credit. I put 760 gems in the jar each representing 1/10 of a pound and decorated with my goal weights and a couple of my favorite quotes: "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!!", "Success lies just past the point where others quit!", and "Don't trade what you want most with what you want that moment!" Throughout my weight loss journey.....I will take the gems out as I lose weight.....and hopefully NEVER have to put any back in :)

Weight loss jar decorated and full of 760 gems!!

First week weigh in: -3.0 lbs :) Got my second 5 lb star and 5 % star for losing 5% of my weight!! Total: -12.4

Second week weigh in: -1.8 lbs woo hoo!! Total: -14.2

Week 3 weight in: -2.2 lbs!! Total: -16.4

AND I got to put a third 5 lb star on my jar :) there's the first three weeks all in one! I'm super excited about this......and for some reason this time feels like it's it......I've battled weight issues for a LOOOONG time.....and I know I will always have to be aware, but this time is for good :) So thankful for my very supportive husband (who actually just sat through a WW meeting with me AFTER we went to the gym at 6 am!) And to all of my friends and family too......thank you for being understanding in the choices I have to make!! (Oh, and thank you Mason for being an EXTREMELY good ZUMBA teacher and having kick butt classes so that I can look forward to working out in addition to running and have fun!!)

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